Maintaining a proper diet, proper nutrition, and hydration is vital. People who eat a well-balanced diet tend to be healthier with stronger immune systems and a lower risk of chronic illnesses and infectious diseases. Here comes some tips to stay healthy during this pandemic situation. Eating healthy food, doing physical activities, taking adequate rest, and caring for our mental state will improve our overall health and makes us more resilient during COVID-19. Here are some ways to improve your health.
1.Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

- Maintaining a good diet is the preliminary advice to improve immunity. The idea of “eating the rainbow” that many children learn about in school is a good rule at any age. Consuming a wide variety of fruits and vegetables should provide enough zinc, vitamin D, and other important minerals and vitamins to support a healthy immune system.
- Beaumont Weight Control Center suggests staying away from foods that are refined or processed, such as crackers, chips, bread, and sweets, as well as fried foods decreases the chances of health degradation.
- Eating more vegetables and fruits in addition to legumes, nuts, seeds, and lean protein like fish or chicken, will help to strengthen immunity. Refined foods won’t fill you up as long as something healthier would, which could lead you to eat more.
2.Stay hydrated

Drink lots of water. It doesn’t mean you are hydrated when you don’t feel thirsty, always take a sip of water continuously throughout the day and try to drink more water when the weather is hot and when you are active. Other than drinking water take more fruit juice and eat water-rich fruits and vegetables Similarly, avoid excessive alcohol consumption as it can act as a diuretic and reduce hydration.
3.Get enough sleep

Speaking of sleep, Dr. Valenti says “Good sleep allows the body to rejuvenate and fight off infection along with a good, well-balanced diet.” Give your body the opportunity to properly recharge every night by getting enough sleep. For most adults, that means seven to eight hours, with children requiring more.
4.Regular exercise

A daily regimen of 30 to 60 minutes of low-to-moderate intensity physical activity will help your body function at its best. There’s no need to overdo it as too much exercise can put undue stress on the body and have the opposite effect.

Apart from following these ways, wash hands frequently at least for 20 seconds, avoid crowded places, avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth, practice respiratory hygiene, wear a mask if you have respiratory symptoms. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure so take a small step today to enjoy a better tomorrow.